Healthy living is a lifestyle that many of us need to get into, but not many can afford. Not because it's not accessible, but mainly because we do not have enough education about it -- what we need and what we have to do. And then, there are people who live passionately by it, with a stronger force than most, helping them help us mere folk to realise that we need to take care of our well-being more.

  I meet with a fair amount of entrepreneurs and small business owners every week and one of the common topics that comes up often is how busy they are. Generally when I dig a bit deeper, it turns out that they are busy with things I call Time Sinks.

Communication is all about bringing people together and understanding each other. With so many different people and personalities in our workplace, it’s no wonder there is sometimes conflict. If conflict is not handled constructively and positively, the results could be very damaging. But it doesn’t need to be that way.

As Singapore celebrates another birthday,  it's a precious time to take your dusty DSLR camera out and take photos of all the celebrations. One of the main activities is the National Day Parade and of course, the captivating fireworks display taking place in the evening. Don't worry about taking blurry shots, we've got you covered!

In today’s times, there is nothing quite as important as being able to collaborate and communicate effectively in order to get things right. In today’s world, time is of the essence and everyone looks to maximize communication opportunities. With the introduction of tools such as Slack – a system that allows you to collaborate and communicate with your team in a more effective manner – getting things done need not be as challenging as before.