If I were to trace my own success in the last few years, it has had LESS to do with how awesome I am ... and more to do with how AWESOME the people I surround myself with are! In short, my success is linked largely to people who believe and support me. Here's how all this relates to you.

These days, we seem to spend more and more time at our desks and less and less time at home. This is made worse if your desk happens to be just one of many in a large, sterile, repetitive and frankly ‘un-designed’ space (words that still seem to describe so many office environments).  

He's the CEO of Key Person of Influence (KPI) Asia, and partner to equity firm Unity Group. He has built and sold half a dozen businesses in a range of industries and now works with hundreds of business owners to help them grow their businesses through KPI and Unity Group. He got started in entrepreneurship early, and now stands as a thought leader in his industry.