From the chilly grey climes of winter emerges spring in all its glorious colours. In Tokyo, the cherry blossoms slowly awaken to the more pleasant temperatures and paint the landscapes with soft pink hues, announcing the arrival of this much-awaited season. There’s much to be seen and enjoyed during this time.

Have you wondered what retreats are like and whether you should attend one? Do you hear stories about people returning from retreats feeling rejuvenated and wonder just what they did? If you are planning to attend one, how do you decide which one is best for you?

Food is what fuels our bodies. Yet with our busy schedules and unhealthy processed foods constantly available to us, we actually prevent our bodies from being fueled efficiently, and, therefore, performing at our best. Although the goal is to attain a healthy food-life balance, many of us try every way possible but still can’t figure out what works best for our body and work schedules.