One thing I strongly believe in is TEAM. Yup, you only have 24 hours in each day and you can't do it all yourself. You need to get yourself a team! But you can't just stick a bunch of people together and hope for magic to happen! You need to know what you're doing so you can nurture and cultivate a championship team!  

Almost all women have cellulite somewhere on their bodies. It is purely a cosmetic issue rather than a medical one. Cellulite is caused by fat cells bulging into the dermis, which is the middle layer of the skin, pulling the connective tissues, such as collagen and elastin. As a result, ugly dimples or an orange peel appearance show up on the skin.

Woolf Works Wednesdays are always a great way to meet the women of our wider community (men are also welcome!)  – we are a diverse and creative bunch! We are also a friendly bunch, so please feel free to come along on your own or with a group of friends.