Breakfast starts my day and puts me in the right mood…so it’s important that it looks delicious, tastes good and energizes me! My solution…granola! Granola is not only healthy but it is also fun to make and allows you to get creative with different nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Your kids can also join in; I’m sure they will enjoy mixing the ingredients with their hands!

Madeleine Albright might be best known for her important role as the first female secretary of state, but her life before and after that is equally worth knowing and celebrating. Her desire to pursue her passions despite trials makes her an inspiring example to all women.

It should be everyone’s goal in life to excel in the world while helping those around them and doing good for the community. One of the best ways you can help others is to create opportunities for them, and what most people don’t know is that the average person can create a ton of opportunities with every product they purchase, even if they are on a tight budget. One might wonder how that is possible … the answer is fair trade products.  

Technology is always changing; if you want your business to survive, you’re going to need to be outfitted with the latest technology for your business. The past few years have seen a tremendous amount of exciting changes to how we access the Internet and use technology to improve our own lives. Businesses have responded by developing new ways to improve their infrastructure and online visibility.

Most of us do. (Note that I'm not asking if you exercise. I'm asking if you sit too long.) We sit when we’re working, eating, driving, travelling on public transport (if we’re lucky), on the toilet, relaxing at home, and anywhere else we can sit instead of stand. In today’s modern society, we sit more than any other generation.

In this technology age, especially since the adoption of smartphones, a lot of people feel ashamed of using a paper planner and try to convince themselves to use a digital one. I was actually once told by a business partner that my paper planner was damaging my professional image! Well maybe if looking professional means being equipped with the latest electronic gadget.

We live in a multichannel world. With the continued rise of smartphone technology and digital interactive means of communication, not everyone wants an emotional connection. Technologies can aid in the research and initial quotation of a proposed insurance policy, so once you submit a quote with us, we focus on good old-fashioned customer care, and make it very easy for you to reach a human.