Liza Rowan

Liza Rowan, founder of Health & Vitality, is passionate about educating, motivating and inspiring all of us to be healthier - by taking control of our own nutrition and other aspects of our wellbeing. She believes that optimum health is the foundation in helping us achieve our aspirations, and ultimately to leading happier, more fulfilled lives. With the success of her programs in Singapore, Liza now offers her expertise internationally through Revitalize-in-5 online nutrition and lifestyle course.

Liza is an energetic, sporty and fun-loving mother of 2 young boys. She spent her early years in Ireland, and has since lived in Australia, Scotland, Austria, Canada, Hong Kong and now Singapore. She embraces the challenges that each ‘new life’ brings, with particular interest in all matters relating to natural and holistic living, especially nutrition.

  It’s a common perception that being healthy costs money, and takes a lot of effort. As we celebrate 50 years of Singapore enjoying its independence, and thriving economy and otherwise, let’s commit to making all our days a little brighter by focusing on our wellbeing and adopting a positive more appreciative outlook.

  …keeps the doctor away! Can something that tastes so good be healthy for us? Well, yes! But as with all things in life, in moderation.

Whether to buy organic or not can be an emotional topic. There is so much conflicting information as to whether organic foods contain more nutrients than their conventional counterparts.

Many us of enjoy caffeine socially (particularly coffee), and it has been part of traditions in many cultures for centuries. Caffeine is a naturally existing substance found in more than 60 plants including, more commonly, coffee beans, cocoa beans and tea leaves. Caffeine can also be ‘manufactured’ for use in food additives, medicines and appetite suppressants.

Does life get in the way of you being your happiest and healthiest best? As we dash between work, family, friends, social events, and more, living becomes exhausting. Yet, we would cope far better by making time for our Health & Vitality.