Nutrition 101: The Basic Nutrients You Absolutely Need

Foods that provide energy for your long working day are called macronutrients, and they fall into the following groups, listed below. However, there are good, bad and very ugly versions of each.

Here is a list of the better ones that you absolutely need:

  1. Complex Carbohydrates
    For slow-releasing energy for brain-power while at the office, and for physical energy for your after-work exercise routine. Examples include: whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, and starchy vegetables, such as sweet potato, pumpkin and squash.
  1. Fruit And Vegetables
    For minerals, vitamins and fiber, which are required for increased immunity and better health, meaning less sick-days off work.

    Choose from an array of multi-colored fruit and vegetables, as each provides different minerals and vitamins, known as micronutrients. In addition to this, plant foods offer phytonutrients, which provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, among others – often determined by characteristics such as color, smell or flavor.

  1. Healthy Fats
    For immunity and brain development, enjoy a variety of fats, including mono-unsaturated fats from avocados, olives, extra virgin olive oil, and almonds.

    Omega-3 fats are especially important for growing minds and to help combat inflammation: oily fish, such as salmon, trout, sardines, flax and chia seeds, walnuts, and grass-fed meats.

    Saturated fats, once deemed as bad and implicated in raising cholesterol, are now known to be healthy and can be enjoyed in moderation: butter, coconut oil, full-fat milk, full-fat natural yogurt, and cheese.

  1. Quality Protein
    For the growth and repair of brain cells and body tissues, eat lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds.

There’s a healthier version of everything.

Eating healthier should never mean giving up your favorite foods. Ensure you include as many fresh, natural, and unprocessed foods in your diet from the list above.

For example, before you leave for work enjoy oatmeal with some nuts, seeds and berries (or bring it to work if you can’t stomach food first thing). For lunch, enjoy chicken breast or tuna on wholegrain bread with a vegetable soup or side salad. After work, quickly put together some steamed fish with vegetables stir-fried in olive oil. Keep a cooler bag at work to store healthy snacks - fruit, natural yogurt, healthy granola bars, trail mix, crudités and hummus - so that you avoid nibbling on the office cookies.

The nasty foods you should avoid are:

  1. Refined Carbohydrates
    These are stripped of nutrients and cause blood sugar fluctuations; they are implicated in type 2 diabetes, obesity and other illnesses. Examples are: white table-sugar, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flours and refined grains. They can be found in sodas, fruit juices, candies, cookies, bread, crackers, chocolate, cereals, and other refined processed foods.
  1. Refined And Hydrogenated Oils, Including Trans-Fats
    These are also devoid of nutrients, offering nothing to better your health. They are found in vegetable oils, margarine, cookies, crackers, baked foods, crisps, and processed foods.
  1. Foods Containing Colors, Additives Or ‘Nasty’ Preservatives
    Many of these cause allergies and hyper-activity, while others are potential carcinogens. They are found in refined processed foods.

Rather than choose (just because it’s there) that deep-fried donut and Coke at the weekly office catch-up, stick to water/coffee with one of your healthier, brought-in snacks. When ordering food for a working lunch, suggest sushi or salad rather than the usual deep-pan cheesy pizza, which will make you sleepy for the rest of the afternoon.

It’s all about smart choices; keeping your meals and snacks nutritious and varied, built around the recommended complex carbs, healthy fats and quality protein listed above.


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Edited by Nedda Chaplin

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Liza Rowan

Liza Rowan, founder of Health & Vitality, is passionate about educating, motivating and inspiring all of us to be healthier - by taking control of our own nutrition and other aspects of our wellbeing. She believes that optimum health is the foundation in helping us achieve our aspirations, and ultimately to leading happier, more fulfilled lives. With the success of her programs in Singapore, Liza now offers her expertise internationally through Revitalize-in-5 online nutrition and lifestyle course.

Liza is an energetic, sporty and fun-loving mother of 2 young boys. She spent her early years in Ireland, and has since lived in Australia, Scotland, Austria, Canada, Hong Kong and now Singapore. She embraces the challenges that each ‘new life’ brings, with particular interest in all matters relating to natural and holistic living, especially nutrition.

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