Healthy Snacks: Give In To Sweet Treat Temptation The Healthier Way


Many of us struggle with that mid-afternoon energy slump, or the infamous late night sweet-snack-attack. Rather than fight these urges, and risk throwing the towel in by diving into a snacking frenzy, why not give in to temptation in a healthy way?

It‘s important that we snack appropriately in-between meals based on our mental and physical challenges. This is particularly important for active and learning kids, and their parents alike, who need sustained energy throughout the day. Most of us enjoy a sweet nibble, such as muffins and cookies, and provided these are made with the right ingredients, they can be the perfect snack.

We know that good quality chocolate is good for us (yes, but not the whole chunky bar) as it is rich in flavonoids, which contribute to a healthy heart. It also contains good saturated fats and the amino acid arginine, which helps protect against inflammation and high blood pressure. Unrefined honey and maple syrup contain minerals (e.g. manganese, zinc), various vitamins, and provide a slower release of energy than refined sugars.

So enjoy your sweet treats – just make healthier versions. In place of refined sugar use ripe mashed bananas, soaked dried fruits or a little maple syrup; in your cookies use dark chocolate nibs and a healthier sweetener such as coconut sugar. Enjoying such treats in moderation will ensure you don’t feel deprived – life is far too short not to indulge now and then. And, of course, you deserve it!

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Liza Rowan

Liza Rowan, founder of Health & Vitality, is passionate about educating, motivating and inspiring all of us to be healthier - by taking control of our own nutrition and other aspects of our wellbeing. She believes that optimum health is the foundation in helping us achieve our aspirations, and ultimately to leading happier, more fulfilled lives. With the success of her programs in Singapore, Liza now offers her expertise internationally through Revitalize-in-5 online nutrition and lifestyle course.

Liza is an energetic, sporty and fun-loving mother of 2 young boys. She spent her early years in Ireland, and has since lived in Australia, Scotland, Austria, Canada, Hong Kong and now Singapore. She embraces the challenges that each ‘new life’ brings, with particular interest in all matters relating to natural and holistic living, especially nutrition.

This article was originally published on Health and Vitality blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author. 

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