Beauty Foods: For Youthful Skin That Glows

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are”
– Ellen Degeneres

Self-confidence underlies our vitality, a large part of which is based on how we feel about our looks, regardless of our age. Genetics and lifestyle, of course, play a significant role in how we age, and hold on to that ‘youthful inner glow.

To delay the appearance of fine lines and dull skin, we know we should avoid excessive sun exposure, free-radical damage from smoking, stress, and other environmental toxins. From a nutritional point of view, we should avoid processed and refined foods, excess alcohol and caffeine, and, of course, sugar.

Sugar is the most pro-aging substance out there – Dr. Frank Lipman

Beauty comes from within – this is how we express our enthusiasm and zest for life. We also nourish our skin from the inside – by carefully choosing the foods and drinks we enjoy.

We do this by including foods rich in healthy fats, antioxidants to protect against free radicals, and protein, which repairs and builds our skin collagen and elastin. Prioritise with these:

  1. Water - our body is comprised of up to 70% water, so keep sipping. Add fruit or vegetable slices and herbs to make it more palatable. Herbal and green teas are also great; pure coconut water gets top marks. Aim for at least two liters, and more if you exercise or live in a hot climate.
  1. Oily fish (salmon, tuna, trout, sardines) – healthy Omega 3 fats enable our cells to renew and replenish. Consume 2-3 times weekly, limiting tuna to 2-3 times monthly due to its mercury content.
  1. Multi-colored berries – bursting with antioxidants, munch on these daily for snacks, in juices, smoothies, salads.
  1. Leafy greens - rich in carotenoids and vitamin C, they’re the ‘biggest bang for your buck’ nutritionally. Toss them in juices, smoothies, soups, salads and stir-fries daily.
  1. Sweet potatoes and carrots - beta-carotene-rich foods (convert to vitamin A) are great in curries, roasted, in salads, and as dips.
  1. Nuts and seeds – contain healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants. Enjoy a handful daily of mixed almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflowers, flax and chia seeds.
  1. Avocados, olives and their oils – these mono-unsaturated fats are found in our skin-glands, so your grandma was wise to moisturize with olive oil. Healthy fats are your youthful friends.
  1. Quality meats, dairy, and eggs – these are protein-rich, containing selenium and the ‘sunshine’ vitamin D, which plays a role in keeping us youthful.
  1. Cinnamon and other spices - help control blood sugar levels, along with providing anti-inflammatory properties. Sprinkle generously.
  1. Saving the best for last – wine and dark chocolate – they contain antioxidants (resveratrol, flavonoids) and also raise serotonin levels, giving you that ‘feel good’ factor. Enjoy as an occasional treat.

They say that 'youth has no age’ - to retain that inner and outer glow, simply love the skin you’re in  - by being the best possible version of yourself, on the inside and out.


Visit the Health & Vitality page to find out more about Liza's business.


Edited by Nedda Chaplin

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Liza Rowan

Liza Rowan, founder of Health & Vitality, is passionate about educating, motivating and inspiring all of us to be healthier - by taking control of our own nutrition and other aspects of our wellbeing. She believes that optimum health is the foundation in helping us achieve our aspirations, and ultimately to leading happier, more fulfilled lives. With the success of her programs in Singapore, Liza now offers her expertise internationally through Revitalize-in-5 online nutrition and lifestyle course.

Liza is an energetic, sporty and fun-loving mother of 2 young boys. She spent her early years in Ireland, and has since lived in Australia, Scotland, Austria, Canada, Hong Kong and now Singapore. She embraces the challenges that each ‘new life’ brings, with particular interest in all matters relating to natural and holistic living, especially nutrition.

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