Su Lee Chong

Su Lee Chong is the wellness coach and founder of Look Good Feel Great Always. She helps individuals to lose weight and provide corporate wellness programs to corporation through a holistic program of nutrition, exercise and knowledge. She is a trained chemist with more than 20 years experience in the specialty chemical industries ranging from coatings, household & personal care and food, holding various senior corporate positions. She uses her extensive knowledge in biochemistry of the human body to provide the knowledge and educate her clients on proper nutrition for the body. With the right knowledge, one is more likely to do the right action to achieve optimum health.

Having your kitchen within arm's reach can be dangerous when working from home. Self discipline is essential. - especially if you’re trying to lose weight! Avoid unnecessary snacking and control the portion and calories you eat at lunch. Make sure lunch is balanced with lean and low fat protein, complex carbohydrate, fiber and good fats. Here are 7 healthy lunch ideas that last you the whole week.

If you have a beer belly or big waistline, beware! Your belly fat can kill you. This is the fat that occupies the abdominal cavity, wrapping around the liver, spleen, kidney, stomach and heart. Unlike the fat underneath the skin, you cannot grasp it in your hand.

Just like eating the right diet can prevent heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer, certain foods can boost the brain power. Giving every brain cells a steady supply of the right nutrients helps keep them alive and working properly.