Michaela Anchan

Michaela Anchan is the founder of Woolf Works, a co-working space dedicated to women. She started the space as she saw a need for women to escape the domestic sphere and all its distractions. Woolf Works is a calm, relaxed space to work productively and be part of a community of like-minded women. Michaela spends her days trying to build the community of Woolf Works and exploring ways to bring value to her current members. Sometimes, she finds a quiet afternoon to work on her Great New Zealand Novel, or a short story. Connect with her below!

We all know that social media presence is a must if you want your business to thrive online. But we also agree that, to some degree, social media posting can be a little bit of a pain in the neck. You need to figure out the types of posts you want to make, the schedule in which you will need to post them, and more. It can get quite a handful at times, which is why it pays to find a really good tool that will help you manage such task. One great tool that you definitely need to try out is Edgar.

Coworking spaces are open shared work spaces for people to come together under one roof and get their work done, together. Each coworking space is different, focusing on different niches and some are impersonal offices, while others are buzzing community spaces. Coworking spaces are usually seen as the home of the start-up- the penny-conscious entrepreneur who is looking for networks and support to help grow her business. It makes sense and it works well for these entrepreneurs.

In today’s times, there is nothing quite as important as being able to collaborate and communicate effectively in order to get things right. In today’s world, time is of the essence and everyone looks to maximize communication opportunities. With the introduction of tools such as Slack – a system that allows you to collaborate and communicate with your team in a more effective manner – getting things done need not be as challenging as before.

One of the most popular novelties that come with using apps for smartphones and tablets is replacing your notebook with a digital version. With hundreds of note-taking applications available today, the safest bet is to choose from the most popular ones – like Evernote. In this review, we take a look at Evernote’s features and usability and weigh in on exactly how essential it is to one’s pursuit of productivity.

  It was my birthday a few days back (yay!) and I am now the grand old age of 35. Woolf Works also turned the grand old age of 1 so it feels like a particularly poignant time. This year has really been the cliché entrepreneur’s rollercoaster – big highs of accomplishment with big lows of ‘what the hell have I gotten myself into’.