Michaela Anchan

Michaela Anchan is the founder of Woolf Works, a co-working space dedicated to women. She started the space as she saw a need for women to escape the domestic sphere and all its distractions. Woolf Works is a calm, relaxed space to work productively and be part of a community of like-minded women. Michaela spends her days trying to build the community of Woolf Works and exploring ways to bring value to her current members. Sometimes, she finds a quiet afternoon to work on her Great New Zealand Novel, or a short story. Connect with her below!

Woolf Works Wednesdays are always a great way to meet the women of our wider community (men are also welcome!)  – we are a diverse and creative bunch! We are also a friendly bunch, so please feel free to come along on your own or with a group of friends.

Madeleine Albright might be best known for her important role as the first female secretary of state, but her life before and after that is equally worth knowing and celebrating. Her desire to pursue her passions despite trials makes her an inspiring example to all women.

If you have your own small business, chances are you’ve mulled over the dilemma of how to integrate your Customer Relationship Management and marketing into one seamless system instead of using several different tools. In case you haven’t heard, Infusionsoft offers integrated marketing and online sales solutions for small business owners.