Are You Working Smarter Or Harder?

Are You Working Smarter Or Harder?

We all hear the old saying that we should ‘work smarter, not harder’, but how many of us actually abide by this? It’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Experts actually say the key to working smart is to be more effective, not necessarily more efficient. Efficiency is doing the job right. Effectiveness, on the other hand, is doing the right job! Think about that!

Here Are My Top Ten Tips For Managing Your Time More Effectively:

  1. Figure out when you are at your peak.
    I know I work better from 9am to noon, so that’s when I try to do my most important tasks. Figure out when you are at your prime and plan carefully around this.
  2. Turn off your e-mail notifier.
    Do you really need the pop-up or ‘ding’ every few minutes? Try turning off your e-mail notifier when you need to concentrate on an important project, then you really can focus.
  3. Expect the unexpected.
    Block out some planning time. Everyone needs some time for thinking, so try to build in some flexibility into your daily routines.
  4. Say NO occasionally.
    Sometimes we may have to be assertive and say ‘no’ if something is not urgent or a priority. Saying no courteously may be seen as a strength rather than a weakness.
  5. Set priorities.
    Categorise tasks according to priority, for example:
    1 = The task is urgent and important
    2 = It’s important but not urgent
    3 = It’s urgent but not important
    4 = Its not urgent and not important
  6. Stay focused in meetings.
    How many meetings have you attended where people go off on tangents? It helps to be clear about the agenda before meetings, and make sure everyone knows what the objectives are. This will help you stay focused and keep the discussion heading in the right direction.
  7. Clear out your clutter.
    I know I can’t work effectively if my desk is a mess with lots of paperwork everywhere. So once in a while I have a good clearing and sorting session, and I clear out the clutter on my desk, trays, drawers, and files. It’s amazing how much better I always feel once the clutter is gone!
  8. Remember to take a break.
    We all tend to make more mistakes when we are tired or stressed, so learn to recognise the symptoms when you are flagging and take a break from your work. Yes Mom, I hear you… this is something I’m not so good at!
  9. Don’t procrastinate.
    Tackle what’s right now in the present, and don’t let procrastination get in the way. It’s amazing how great it feels when you can tick off those items on your to-do list!
  10. Adopt a positive attitude.
    Keep your mindset positive. See solutions instead of problems. See positives instead of negatives. Do your tasks with a happy heart, and smile


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Shirley Taylor

Shirley Taylor is a popular keynote speaker and communication skills trainer. She delivers motivational and success keynotes like ‘Rock Your Role In Our High-Tech World’ and ‘Grow Your Business By Connecting Your Dots’. She is author of 12 books, including Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents seventh edition, which has been translated into 16 languages and sold over half a million copies worldwide.

Shirley is a high-energy and high-content speaker who engages with audiences quickly, and shows them how the strategies she teaches can easily be applied both personally and in the workplace. Her aim is to educate, inspire, inform and motivate individuals and teams to make a difference in the workplace and to communicate and lead with heart. Shirley was President of Asia Professional Speakers Singapore, and currently serves as 2017-18 President of the Global Speakers Federation.

Check out Shirley's popular signature business writing programme.

© 2016 Shirley Taylor. Shirley Taylor of STTS Training is a recognised leading authority on business writing and communication skills. For almost 30 years she has presented keynotes and training programmes that help people and organisations boost communication skills and develop great relationships both orally and in writing. Shirley is bestselling author of 12 books, including Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents, which has sold half a million copies worldwide and has been translated into many languages. If you would like Shirley to speak at your next event, visit

This post was originally published on Shirley Taylor’s website and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Image Credit: Shutterstock

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