7 Steps To Boost Brain Health

Lifestyle is a major contributing factor to our health. Our brain health is no exception. Therefore, eating right and exercising regularly contribute to a healthy lifestyle that boost brain health. Here are six steps to boost brain health:

Step 1 – Build Brain Cells

Our brain is 60% fat. Fats are major components of brain cell membrane and myelin sheath that protects the nerve cells. Getting enough of the right kind of fats is key to building brain cells.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that contributes to the formation of brain cell structure. Omega-3 being an essential fatty acid means that our body does not produce them. We have to get them from our diet. Rich source of omega-3 comes from salmon, nuts and seeds, olive oil and flax-seed oil.

Step 2 – Protect The Brain

Free radicals produced from oxidative stress attack brain cells, cause inflammation and disrupt the communications with each other, thereby, affecting cognitive functions. Toxins produced from metabolic processes in the brain can cause brain cells death. Beta-amyloid protein found in the brain is known to be the major cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

Antioxidants are the key to protecting the brain from these damages. Rich source of antioxidants come from fruits and vegetables, green tea and whole grains.

Step 3 – Spark Brain Communication

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that regulate the communication between brain cells (neurons). Tryptophan and tyrosine are two important amino acids that are precursors to the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Serotonin relaxes the brain and induces a good mood while dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine cause the brain to be alert and ready to fight.

Step 4 – Feed The Brain

Glucose is the only form of food the brain cells accept for the production of energy. Brain cells rely on regular supply of glucose from the blood to keep it going. Disruption to the supply will affect brain function.

Therefore, it is important to regulate the supply of glucose to brain cells. Complex carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits and vegetables will slow down glucose absorption into the blood and provide a steady supply of fuel for brain functions.

Step 5 – Hydrate The Brain

Drinking sufficient water is important in keeping the brain cells active. Dehydration will lead to drop in mental energy and cognitive functions.

Step 6 – Manage Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

Healthy heart function makes for healthy brain. When the heart is healthy, it pumps blood to the brain and delivers oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. High cholesterol leads to arterial plaque that blocks blood flow to the brain. When you have high blood pressure, the heart must work harder to pump and send blood all over the body.

Therefore, having a healthy diet and exercise is important in protecting the heart  and ultimately the brain.

Step 7 – Exercise

Physical activities help blood circulation, which sends oxygen and nutrients to the brain cell. Regular exercises reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by 50%. So, ensure you have at least 30 minutes of physical activities every day. Walking is the simplest and best form of exercise.

Manage these 7 steps well as you are well on your way to maintaining brain health and functions as well as slowing down the degeneration.

 Visit Look Good Feel Great Always to find out more about Su Lee's work.

This post was first published on Look Good Feel Great Always blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.

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Su Lee Chong

Su Lee Chong is the wellness coach and founder of Look Good Feel Great Always. She helps individuals to lose weight and provide corporate wellness programs to corporation through a holistic program of nutrition, exercise and knowledge. She is a trained chemist with more than 20 years experience in the specialty chemical industries ranging from coatings, household & personal care and food, holding various senior corporate positions. She uses her extensive knowledge in biochemistry of the human body to provide the knowledge and educate her clients on proper nutrition for the body. With the right knowledge, one is more likely to do the right action to achieve optimum health.

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