The Secret To Fearlessly Riding The Wave Of Change

Before I reveal the one-sentence secret I use to always emerge victorious in the face of change, let me fill you in on something real quick – I’m switching things up again. We are one video away from wrapping up season 1 of YanaTV – and while it has been awesome to get started and take off, I’m using everything we’ve learnt as a spring-board to a BIGGER, BETTER Season 2.

That pretty much sums up my attitude to change – I flow, adapt and ride it. Never ever do I question, get angry or fight it. My entire life’s journey, as I look back, has been one entire giant wave of unending, unpredictable change.

I come from a poor part of the Soviet Union where my career choices were few and largely undesirable. If I had gone the usual linear path, I would still be stuck in a never-ceasing loop of poverty. Instead, what I did different was to see every opportunity that came to me as a potential springboard towards a better tomorrow.

I learned to embrace uncertainty and identify opportunity. What people feared, I walked towards. Where people stood and waited, I volunteered to go first. Never hesitating, always moving. This took me OUT of the Soviet Union on a journey of life I could never imagine.

A fair warning though: Riding the wave of change doesn’t mean you never fall on your face! Therein lies the risk. Because you go first and you go with full confidence and faith – you fall the hardest if it doesn’t work out. That’s the risk you have to take. I fell several times – and those were some hard falls. But I long recognized that it’s the price of playing life and winning. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don’t – but I will take those odds any day of the week than sit at the sidelines and live life in the slow, mediocre lane.

Fast forward to a few years ago when I first started my coaching career, I didn’t quite know what to do at the start in the areas of marketing and business. But once again, I chose to embrace uncertainty, and put myself out there and let experience, intuition and action guide me.

Today, I find myself on the verge of wrapping up a good 12-episode season of YanaTV. If I could summarize what I’ve learned in one sentence – it’s simply this.

To win, you must play. When you play, you must accept that sometimes you will win, and sometimes you will lose.

The real question, hence, is do you have the self-confidence and self-belief that you will learn, get stronger and keep moving when you lose? If you do, then this game is one you quite simply will win. If you don’t, you need to plug that gap or else you will always find it hard to take action.

The difference between myself and others who desire success is I know no matter what life throws at me, no matter how hard things get – I’ll make it. I’ll learn, get better and eventually I will win. I’ve gone through so much that a little failure, a little hiccup and a little fault here and there doesn’t bother me. I know I can slay it – just like all the major life problems and obstacles I’ve faced in the past. Every new obstacle I slay, every new problem I put down only makes me stronger and re-enforces my self-belief and self-confidence.

And that’s the secret to fearlessly riding the wave of change.

As we conclude this week’s article, ask yourself:

  • Do you truly want to win at this game called life?
  • Are you willing to play – win some, lose some?
  • What happens when you lose? Are you willing to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep charging?
  • Are you willing to do this EVERY SINGLE TIME?

In the end, life is a big game we play.

Roll with it, learn from it, fall sometimes but always get up.

You’ll get there eventually. You most certainly will.

Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana’s work. 


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Yana Fry

Yana Fry is a transformational executive coach, group facilitator and thought leader who has taken her message of soulful business and empowerment to students and clients worldwide.

Yana's area of expertise is helping people and organisations pinpoint their hidden, unexplored areas of talent and potential and turning these into increased results. She also helps leaders find their bigger why so they lead with passion and authenticity.

In addition, Yana operates an active blog, a thriving web TV channel where she interviews leading titans of industries and get them to share their words of wisdom.

Yana's goal is to positively impact the lives of people worldwide, and show them how to lead a life of passion and purpose.

This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.

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