Taking Charge Of Your Well-Being: Sleep

Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles, and reduced interactions with surroundings.

The way we feel while we’re awake depends in part on what happens while we’re sleeping. Indeed, sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout our lives:

1. Improves our sense of well-being, and makes us less likely to have mood swings, sadness, depression, or suicidal tendencies.

2. Crucial for growth in children, and plays a key role in fertility development for teenagers.

3. Enables us to feel rested, which in turn helps us to be alert and attentive when awake – therefore preventing accidents caused by drowsiness.

4. Plays a key role in learning, as the sleeping brain forges new pathways for memory retention.

5. Enables us to make sound decisions and to be creative, more fun, and highly motivated.

6. Strengthens memories or “practice” skills learned while awake.

7. Affects quality of life.

8. Reduces blood levels of inflammatory protein.

9. Improves sports performance.

10. Increases weight loss.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, snooze!


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Alexandra Schmutterer

Alexandra Schmutterer is the managing director and visionary behind Saakalya Pte Ltd. With 8 years experience in marketing and communications across the hospitality and technology industry, spanning a number of countries and multi-million dollar projects, it is fair to say that Alex has a flair for making things happen.

Growing up in Germany, Alexandra was awarded a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Passau, complementing her Diploma of Event Management and Diploma of Marketing. After graduating, Alex began working for Siemens AG where she showed a tenacity to achieve.

This article was originally published on Saakalya Blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Michelle Sarthou 
Image credit: Shutterstock

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