Stop Making Excuses And Cut That Clutter!

Stop Making Excuses And Cut That Clutter!

As a professional organiser, I go into many homes to help individuals and families get organised. 80% of them face clutter issues. The amount of clutter varies substantially from one home to the other, but at the end of the day, they all own many things that don’t serve any purpose in their lives and that don’t even make them feel good or happy.

Clutter inevitably leaves them frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed. So what is it that prevents people from simply getting rid of their clutter and moving on with their lives? Here are the reasons, or shall I say excuses, I’ve heard over the years for holding onto stuff, and how I typically address them.

Excuse #1: I Don’t Have The Time

Yes, it takes time to de-clutter but have you estimated the time you spend looking for your wallet, the bills to pay, your child’s permission slip, etc.? According to the US National Association of Professional Organizers, the average American spends about 55 minutes a day (that’s two weeks a year!) looking for lost or misplaced items. So try to envision organising as an opportunity to save time, instead of wasting it.

Excuse #2: I Used To/Someday I Might… 

“I used to cycle, but I stopped because of family’s obligations; I might pick it up again when my kids grow up.” But when asked whether he’d be using his current bikes if he were to ride again, my client confessed that he’d probably go and buy the latest model. Don’t keep things because of what you used to do or because of what you might do someday. Focus on the NOW! You will always be able to buy, rent or borrow what you need when you need it.

Excuse #3: I Might Lose Weight And It Will Fit Again 

Well, the reality is that it does not fit you today and that there is no guarantee that it will fit you tomorrow. You may not like the item tomorrow. Fashion trends change. Fabrics deteriorate. Colours fade. Keep only what fits now. And reward yourself when you have achieved your goals and go shopping. You’ll really deserve it then, won’t you?

Excuse #4: It Was Expensive 

Yes, but keeping it costs you even more: valuable space that could be better used for the things you use or love, as well as time and energy to retrieve the things you really use amongst all you have. It’s also a nagging reminder that you spent a lot of money on something you aren’t using. So sell it and make money out of it.

Excuse #5: It Was A Gift 

We often feel obligated to keep gifts even if we don’t like them. But do you think that a person who loves you would want you to feel miserable just looking at their present? The love is in the giving more than in the gift itself, don’t you think? So pass it on and let it be enjoyed by someone who will know how to appreciate it more than you do.

Excuse #6: It Reminds Me Of Someone Or Something 

I don’t mean you have to let go of every sentimental item you own, but unless you are able to display it or use it somehow, there’s no point in keeping it in a cardboard box covered in dust. Making a choice about what to keep will truly give it the importance it deserves. And trust me, letting go of an item doesn’t mean you’ll forget the person who gave it to you or the circumstances in which you got it. You can always take a picture of the item before parting with it.

Excuse #7: I Don’t Know What To Keep 

I often hear this when dealing with paper. But did you know that we never use 80% of the papers we file. So unless it’s a vital record, such as birth, education, work, and marriage certificates or there is a tax or legal implication, let it go! It has never been so easy to get the information we need in this digital age.

You may have other good reasons to hang onto that clutter but if you are still reading this article, chances are that clutter is affecting your life and you need to start doing something about it. Don’t let clutter prevent you from living your life! Learn to let go of the past and of some of your dreams for the future so that you can embrace your present! And don’t hesitate to contact me if you don’t know where to start or if you need someone to give you the motivation to get started; I’d love to help you!



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Nathalie Ricaud

Professional organiser Nathalie Ricaud helps women who feel overwhelmed by all their "stuff" learn to let go of things that are just stressing them out, and feel in control of their home and life again. She helps them establish systems to make sure they can find what they want when they need it, and maintain a clutter-free, organised and peaceful home. In addition to hands-on organising work, Nathalie is the author of a blog and is regularly published in print and online media. She’s also a regular speaker at events and conferences. Visit her website for more details.

This post was first published on Get Organised & Beyond blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: workplace organized on the desktop from Shutterstock

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