Retire in Your 20s! How To Plan Your Retirement Early

We know what you might be thinking: it’s too early to plan for retirement!

Planning for retirement in your twenties is actually the best time. Why? This is supposed to be the time when you are passionate about building your career, focusing on your passions and living your dream life.

The best time to plan is now, because you are in control of your finances. Besides, you wouldn’t want to look back someday and wish that you had planned earlier. And you know what they say about planning: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

So don’t dilly-dally in saving for retirement. Do it while you’re still young, and at the peak of your earning power. It doesn’t make sense to start saving when it is already too late and time is running out!

Here are six tips to keep you on track:

1. Take a holistic view of savings.

Keep in mind that the more you earn, the more you save. Create a budget, and stick to it. Sure you can splurge and reward yourself from time to time, but make sure you set aside monthly savings. You’ll want to see this grow, not get depleted!

2. Start saving in a retirement plan as soon as you can.

Shop around for great retirement plan offers. Consult friends and family, and at the same time, do your own research. Don’t be overwhelmed by your options. Keep in mind that you’ll want a plan that works best for you in terms of monthly budget and your plans for the future.

3. Knowledge is power.

Before sealing your employment contract, ensure that you are aware of all the financial benefits of the company. Again, do your own research and most importantly— ask questions. If there is anything at all that is not clear to you, clarify.

4. If your employer offers an incentive for retirement plans, always match their contribution.

According to ING US, having your employer contribute right along with you can make your retirement account grow even faster than if you were the only one saving. If your employer plan offers matching contributions, it just makes sense to save at least up to the match limit. It’s a great way to turbo charge your savings and help your account grow.

5. Schedule a retirement plan check with a financial professional.

It may sound daunting, but meeting an expert will help you stay focused, so you can reach the full potential of your financial goals. A retirement plan check can also give you a new perspective. Who knows? With a financial professional who can give you sound advice, you may even make adjustments on your plan as you see fit.

6. Resist the temptation to borrow agains the plan.

Consider this money untouchable. Saving early is one of the most important things you can do for retirement readiness so consider it off limits!

Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Plan now and look forward to a bright future ahead of you!

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Zsa Zsa Bacaling

Zsa Zsa is a communications professor and a social media manager based in the Philippines. Passionate about writing, teaching and social media, Zsa Zsa has had extensive experience as a social media specialist, copywriter and blogger, and has worked with companies based in the US, UK, Australia and Singapore. A firm believer in the importance of work/life balance, Zsa Zsa finds calm amidst the chaos of work life through yoga, books, coffee, travel and her dog Chooey.

Photo by Kingston Chen on Unsplash

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