Remote Work Success Story: How I Got The Work-Life Balance I Always Wanted

Remote Work Success Story: How This Wife Got The Work-Life Balance She Wanted


Before I got into remote work, I was working in the call center industry and most of my shifts were in the evening for almost eight years. While everybody was sound asleep, I was busy working and talking to our US customers.  At first, I was enjoying my first job but later on, it became so stressful.  Not only the work itself, but also the schedule for I had to work with during holidays, especially Christmas and New Year.

When I got married, I had more reasons for not quitting my job since we have bills to pay.  When we lost our first baby, it became the turning point in my life.  That’s when I decided to finally quit and find something else to do.  Upon resignation, I didn’t have a plan.  All I wanted was to take a rest for a few months and just figure out something later.

Until one day, I was talking to a friend and she asked me if I wanted to write articles.  At first, there were hesitations though I have really loved writing since I was a child. (I even remember acing the Essay part of my exams).  I can’t explain but it was pretty easy for me to express my thoughts then.  Since I was jobless, I gave it a try.  When I received an acknowledgment email,   the guy asked me to write an initial article as part of my application.  I can still recall that the topic was weird but I still gave my best. That was my first 100 words and the rest is history.

I was a full-time writer for almost two years and when my boss refused to give me a raise (despite my hard work and awards received from him), I decided to leave and do things on my own. That was the time when a lot of doors opened for me.  Since I have the basic writing skills, I further enhanced it so getting clients was not so hard for me then.

Until I was given so many opportunities to try other jobs. I love to learn new things, so eventually I became an ESL teacher, Researcher and Data Collector, and now, I am working full-time for an SEO company.  Whenever there’s a chance to learn a new skill, I grab it.

The chance to earn while at the comfort of my home is a big blessing for me.  Since then, my social life and finances improved.  I am now able to attend family gatherings and experience more bonding moments with friends.  Moreover, I have some time for exercise, outdoor activities, travel and hobbies since it’s easier to manage my time.  And most of all, I would never forget what my husband told me.  There was a time when I asked him if he wants me to work “outside” again.  He said definitely NO and he loves the fact that I open the door for him every time he goes home tired from work.

I learned from his former boss that it’s difficult to have a “work-life balance”. Instead, we should opt to have a “work-life harmony” since it’s realistic and easier to achieve.  Now, I am living my life with that principle.  While young and able, I try things that I’ve never done before. Just this summer, I experienced snorkeling and kayaking for the first time in my life.  I told myself, “So, this is how to relax and have fun!”

And the best part?  Just few months ago, my husband finally shifted to remote work as well!


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Jobeth Dyoco

The beauty of home-based online jobs captured me in 2011. Having the acquired skills from my previous jobs, I started my online journey.

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