Mindfulness: A Practice And A Way Of Life

Late last year, I was invited to speak on the radio show, Parenting Made Easy. Here’s a short extract from the beginning of the show:

On Mindfulness

There are two aspects to this: mindful living and mindfulness practice.

Mindful living is living with attention and with awareness. It is when you are fully present in any situation, aware of what you are doing and of your surroundings, making choices with full awareness.

And the other aspect is mindfulness practice, which are practices that help you to become a more focused person.

On Breath-Focused Mindfulness Practice

We all breathe throughout our lives and we hardly ever pay any attention to it, which is fine, normally. But once in a while we should stop and really turn our attention inwards to this very basic function of living; this gives us the ability to focus. It also brings calmness, which I think is also very important to living mindfully so that we are not buffeted around by our emotions all the time.

A short, guided breath meditation by Pamposh

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Pamposh Dhar*

Pamposh Dhar is a healer, counsellor and personal development coach who also teaches mindfulness, meditation, and Reiki energy healing. She is proprietor of Terataii, a small company registered in Singapore to offer healing and higher growth.

Pamposh melds her own learning in Eastern and Western traditions to help people achieve balance and find joy.

She offers corporate training in mindfulness, meditation, change management and effective communication.

Pamposh has an advanced degree in Counselling, and several years of training in meditation and Reiki. In 2007, after many years in the corporate world, she answered an inner calling to heal, teach and mentor others to help them find inner peace and balance.

Before that, she had worked as a journalist, communication specialist, and corporate trainer. Among the organizations she has worked for are the Press Trust of India, the World Food Programme and the Asian Development Bank.

Pamposh has stayed true to her first love, writing, and continues to contribute articles to magazines and anthologies.

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