How You Can Connect With Your Inner-Self In 3 Simple Steps

I understand that in this modern age we all have a million things to do. Amid the flurry of deadlines to be met, tight schedules, pressure and stress from traffic and pollution, and pursuit of material goals – it may happen that you lose your connection with your inner-self.

You don’t feel at peace. Your body, mind and spirit are out of alignment. This misalignment can manifest itself in a form of anxiety, mental disorientation or mere disinterest in life. However, you need not worry. By taking any or all of the steps below, you can attune your spirit.

1. Make A List Of Things You Love

In the same way that food feeds your body, doing things you love feeds your spirit. Take a pen and paper (or your notepad on your phone or computer) and make a list of the things you love to do. Write down as many as possible. The first and last few items on the list could stand out as your top favorites.

Get on to doing them or plan for them in your schedule. These are the things that feed and align your soul. They make you feel alive. The more you give your soul things it loves, the stronger it becomes and the more connected you feel.

2. Meditate

Meditation is an effective tool for helping you to reconnect with your spirit, as it quiets and calms your mind so that you can hear your spirit. Take some time every day to sit in a quiet place and release your thoughts. If you are a beginner or your mind is quite distracted, consider guided meditations. Guided meditations are an excellent way to quiet the mind, clear out cluttered thoughts with less effort.

3. Make A List Of The Things You Are Grateful For

Gratitude is a super-food for the soul. It nourishes the soul with hope, joy and contentment. Put down all the things you are grateful for: health and well being, food, friends, family and loved ones, goals achieved, good weather, and anything else you could possibly be grateful for. Furthermore, gratitude not only nourishes your spirit but also your body. A lack of energy, exhaustion or feeling uninspired could be due to an “ill spirit”.

Reconnecting with your spirit is all the medicine you need. To do so, you can implement some or all of the above ways. Meditation, gratitude and doing things you love are all good for your soul.

Set aside time to put these three steps into place, and you will not only be able to enjoy the material success of life but also feel the spiritual connection and emotional contentment that comes with living in alignment with the universe.

Try it; it works!


P.S. Do check out my “People Power” website as I share 8 tips you can use to network and connect with high-power people.

This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: business lady at her workplace from Shutterstock

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Yana Fry

Yana Fry is a transformational executive coach, group facilitator and thought leader who has taken her message of soulful business and empowerment to students and clients worldwide.

Yana's area of expertise is helping people and organisations pinpoint their hidden, unexplored areas of talent and potential and turning these into increased results. She also helps leaders find their bigger why so they lead with passion and authenticity.

In addition, Yana operates an active blog, a thriving web TV channel where she interviews leading titans of industries and get them to share their words of wisdom.

Yana's goal is to positively impact the lives of people worldwide, and show them how to lead a life of passion and purpose.

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