How To Spread Healthiness At Work

It is Monday — you had a great (overindulged?) weekend. You wake up with lots of good resolutions: eating less sugar, exercising more, going to bed earlier. Sounds pretty easy, right?

A healthy breakfast and you are on your way. Weather is nice, you carry a great smile, your will power scores a 100%.

You are really efficient for 2 hours and head to the pantry for a break and a quick stretch of your legs. In the corner, right next to the coffee machine, you spot a basket full of biscuits. Mentally, you tell yourself “I am not going to eat you, not this time, I am strong” and you quickly walk away.

Will power score is at 90%. You head out for an early healthy lunch and, glued to your desk, it is suddenly 3pm. And there it is, you feel a pang of hunger. “Oh, I could do with a biscuit”.

Will power is now at 65%. “Must not cave-in, I won’t… okay, let’s have one.” And the one is followed by another one, and before you know it, you had a handful of biscuits. It’s happened to me many times, to be honest.

So I came up with a couple of tricks on how to create a healthy work environment.

1. Get your company to buy fruits instead of biscuits for the office pantry. It is proven that a healthy work environment creates less absenteeism, more committed and productive employee. Ask your office manager/employee welfare/director about it. A small investment for your company for a great return.

2.  Plan ahead. You know that at 10.30 am and 3 pm you need a pick me up. Throw on your trainers and go for a short walk around the block. Or do some stairs climbing.

3. If you still feel like you need a snack, have a handful of nuts-mix (almond, pecan, hazelnuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds). Ask your colleagues if they want some and buy in bulk. It’s much cheaper and it gets everyone healthy. (And you won’t be eyeing jealously your colleagues munching biscuits away at their desk.)

4. Get your company to sponsor healthy activities. Runs, gym memberships -- just ask. You might be surprised by the answer. If not, rally your colleagues and go work out together, motivate each other.

Let us know how you get on! We are here to help you and your company to take the first steps towards a healthy workplace. Mention this blog post when you send your enquiry and we’ll give you an extra discount.

Visit the Sabine’s Baskets Pte. Ltd page to find out more about Sabine's work.

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Sabine Seilliere*

Passionate about health and sustainable living, Sabine hung up her coat as a successful corporate executive for fresh food and humanitarian work. After living in 5 different countries working across marketing, communications and IT, Sabine was struck by the variety of succulent fruits and vegetables in Singapore’s wet markets. The rest is history! She founded Sabine’s Baskets and she made it her mission deliver the freshest wet market produce to families all over Singapore. Aside from sourcing fresh veg and friendly drivers, Sabine runs a not for profit dedicated to building schools and subsidising bicycles for women and children in Burkina Faso, Africa. Browse Sabine’s Baskets and connect with Sabine to talk food, business or social entrepreneurship!

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