Linda Neo*

Linda is a fully certified Massage Therapist at Wat Po (the most famous massage school in Thailand), as well as by CIBTAC (Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology) of the United Kingdom. She is also pursuing a Certification for Post-Natal Massage.

Linda is the founder of Linda’s Princess Massage. She is a certified Massage Therapist in Singapore and UK while also certified for Post Natal Massage.

Linda’s Princess Massage is a personalized service whereby everything is customized to your needs at your doorstep in the familiar, safe, and private environment of your own home.

In today’s hectic and busy lifestyle, whether working or homemaker, finding time to exercise is almost impossible. When you find yourself too busy to exercise or are simply too tired, the alternate option is a body massage which helps to circulate the blood in your body. There is no limit to the number of massages you can have. If you rarely get a massage, starting at even once every week or two will do wonders for your body, mood and health.