Juliana Sliwka

Juliana Mamoni, “Mompreuneur”, Founder and Director of the Lifestyle & Etiquette Institute of Singapore, is a globally recognised Lifestyle Expert, known by many as “The Life Guru.” The Economist with a further degree in Hotel Management (Berlin) and a diploma in Men’s Fashion Design (Milan) was coached by an assistant to the acclaimed late designer Gianni Versace.

She holds workshops and instructional meetings addressing Contemporary Etiquette in Business, Social, and Youth. Her life experiences, professional exposure, and ongoing studies led to the birth of JMAMONI Lifestyle & Etiquette Institute. Her aim is simple: to help people make healthier, more socially appropriate choices, resulting in happier, more rewarding lives. She focuses on the etiquette element of her three-pronged lifestyle manifesto: healthy lifestyle, personal style, and contemporary etiquette (mastering soft skills and emotional intelligence).

Juliana is frequently quoted in the media. Articles about her work have appeared both in print and online. She’s a member of the International School of Protocol and Diplomacy Brussels, acts as a Mentor for the students of NUS and is Author of “Help Your Child Shine” – Etiquette and Character Education For Kids Ages Five to Seventeen – available on amazon, and also of two booklets for Soft Skills at Workplace (Contemporary Business Etiquette, 10 Power Soft Skills for Success at Work)

This “mompreneur” lives a very full life, managing her business on youth and social etiquette while at the same time being hands-on with her teenage sons. She shares how she got her groove by having a solid routine, discipline, and priorities. What's a day like for an institute director?