A Refreshing Way To Drink More Water

Our bodies are made up of 60% water so it is no surprise that drinking more water is the secret to clear skin, good digestion, healthy organs and joints, efficient detoxing, brain function and even weight loss. We all know we should drink around 2 litres of fluids every day – or more if you are exercising, pregnant or breastfeeding, or simply out in Singapore’s hot, humid weather.

We lose water through breathing, sweating and visits to the bathroom. Clear or light yellow urine indicates your body is adequately hydrated.

It is possible to drink too much water, although this is uncommon with adequate (or high) sodium intake in the typical Western diet.

I enjoy drinking water so I don’t find it too hard to drink 2L (usually more!) a day but sometimes I do get a little bored of drinking plain ol’ filtered tap water. So I make a big jug of detox water with lemon, which aids digestion and has alkalising properties; cucumber for its anti-inflammatory properties; and mint, which also helps digestion. Sometimes I go crazy and add ginger for a little zing and its calming effect on the stomach. The combination of these natural flavours is so refreshing on a hot day!

How To Make Detox Water

Pour 2L of cold filtered water into a large glass jug and add slices of half a lemon, 3-5 slices of cucumber (leave the skin on) and a few sprigs of fresh mint leaves. Leave it sit for a little while to let the flavours infuse.


Ali xx

Written by Ali, Sabine’s Basket Business Development Manager


Visit the Sabine’s Baskets Pte. Ltd page to find out more about Sabine’s work.

This post was first published on Sabine’s Baskets blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.

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Sabine Seilliere*

Passionate about health and sustainable living, Sabine hung up her coat as a successful corporate executive for fresh food and humanitarian work. After living in 5 different countries working across marketing, communications and IT, Sabine was struck by the variety of succulent fruits and vegetables in Singapore’s wet markets. The rest is history! She founded Sabine’s Baskets and she made it her mission deliver the freshest wet market produce to families all over Singapore. Aside from sourcing fresh veg and friendly drivers, Sabine runs a not for profit dedicated to building schools and subsidising bicycles for women and children in Burkina Faso, Africa. Browse Sabine’s Baskets and connect with Sabine to talk food, business or social entrepreneurship!

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