8 Simple Suggestions For A Successful Visit With Your Health Practitioner

Many years ago, my daughter, at the age of six weeks, was diagnosed with an apparently incurable disease and lifelong suffering. 


Visiting different health practitioners one after the other and constantly having to recollect the medical history was a great ordeal on its own. Even worse was trying to get a clear picture of the various prognoses we were given and which treatment options to choose. I remember that I was exhausted and my brain was so jammed with information that I did not have the time or the energy to assimilate. I felt as if I was the focal point of the situation and needed to be strong, but I did not feel strong at all.

Without the physical, emotional and mental support from my husband, my best friend’s genuine care and my instinct to provide for my daughter’s comprehensive treatment, I am not sure I would have coped. The experience as a mother and as a health practitioner for many years has taught me a few simple lessons on how to prepare for a successful visit with a health practitioner – not only for the client but also how the health practitioner can best help you and guide you in what you need and want.

I would like you to look at these eight simple suggestions and consider which of them you can relate to, and which of them can help you deal with your pain and discomfort in the best possible way.

1. Make A List

Sit in silence and create a mind map or write down the most important questions concerning your physical, emotional and mental health problems and symptoms. Start by listing the date and time when you first noticed a change in your health and the different symptoms, various treatments received, the medication you are taking and how it all affects your work, and personal and social life.

By having this information written down you will feel more relaxed and at ease, and more importantly, feel in control of the consultation.

2. Bring A Family Member Or Friend Along

If you feel drained, low in energy and find it difficult to focus, bring a family member or friend along who can support you by listening and even taking notes during the consultation. The reality is we all hear what we want to hear and, by having a second person at your side, you most probably will have a more objective and clear understanding of what has been said and discussed.

3, Medical Records

If you have been suffering from a prolonged medical condition and you are in possession of previous medical records or diagnostic test results, then show them to your health practitioner. This will free you from having to repeat your medical history and will enable the health practitioner to get a clear overview of the diagnostic conclusion.

4. Medication

If you have been advised to take medication, please feel free to ask why, for how long it is needed, the benefits, and the possible side effects. We all know that certain medical conditions require medication. I recommend that you do not agree to any medication unless it is really needed for your presented problem and insist on getting alternative options. It’s not always about taking medicine as much as seeing and feeling a positive improvement.

5. Beliefs And Values

Mention any cultural or religious beliefs or specific values that might influence your healthcare.

A good health practitioner will listen, respect, and adapt to your beliefs. They should create an individualised treatment methodology to accommodate your personal faith and values.

6. Alternative Options

Believing that there is only one way to recovery can be limiting in your recovery to a pain-free and joyful life. Ask the health practitioner for several different options that can lead you to recovery and keep an open mind. There are many different non-medical, non-invasive and mind-body connection therapies that are effective in dealing with acute and chronic pain issues.

7. Second Opinion

If you feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to assimilate all the given information, or have any doubts about the suggested treatment solution, then ask about a referral for a second opinion. This will give you a comparison on what might be the best route to follow for recovery. Be active, listen to your intuition and make good choices for your own rehab.

8. The Choice Is Yours

Having received and collected the necessary data concerning your health problem, discuss the preferred treatment solution with a close family member and your chosen and trusted health practitioner.

Always bear in mind that you have a choice. Listening to your intuition can bring massive benefits and hold you true to your values, which are vitally important. Remember that, sometimes, unconventional thinking can bring great benefits.

A pain-free life is just one connection away. Book an appointment with Else Vistisen


Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: Therapist doing head massage from Shutterstock

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Else Strom Vistisen

Else Strom Vistisen is an internationally renowned therapist and innovator in the field of chronic pain relief. Her training as an occupational therapist, Emmett- and Bowen therapist give her a unique ability to provide long-lasting pain solutions to meet the challenges and opportunities of life in the 21st century.

Else’s successful therapy for pain-free living has already transformed and enhanced the lives, health and success of thousands of people around the world. She runs a private practice in Singapore and is the founder of Else Vistisen Therapy, which is regulated by Ministry of Health in Singapore.

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