5 Ways Team Coaching Can Facilitate Better Collaboration

It’s obvious that deadlines and complex client needs require efficient communication and clear role responsibility in a team, especially for four talented designers working cross-continent on large international projects with demanding deadlines.

Three of them work in Europe and one of them in Asia, resulting in challenging time management. Previously, unclear assignments and lack of clarification caused tension, and communication was all about results or output.

I had previously worked with the ambitious team leader of the four and she invited me to work with her team.Much was learned which I believe will add great value to you and your own team!

The process in working with creatives is unique, as every team is unique! Here I reveal the methods we used and what was learned:

1) Reveals Core Values

With the goal of increasing trust, recognition and open communication, highly interactive sessions, partly playful or creative, can bring to light hidden knowledge and awareness among team members.

Facilitating a co-creative environment helps reveal team emotions and efficiency, as well as important team values.Taking the time and focus on what matters most confirms that this team is committed to success.

“In the team coaching, I opened my heart to share the good and the bad, I feel more union and trust in the team.” Ismael M., Designer

2) Improves Team Dynamics

Team coaching facilitators can enrich interactive group exercises with skill training focused on team dynamics as well as member’s awareness for each other’s capacities.

Active listening can help turn ‘listen-to-answer mode’ into ‘listen-to-learn’. This type of awareness exercise paves the way to give recognition for personal qualities among team members.

Giving, appreciating and helping each other to grow creates a strong effect on a team.

“We created more closeness and interest for each other, our communication is now more fluid.” Flor S., Designer

3) Fosters Mutual Recognition

Rather than focusing on the output by saying “your design is great”, teams learn that recognition is about one’s personal qualities, for instance: “you are creative” or “you care for our client’s needs”.

Receiving meaningful appreciation creates a profound moment for a team and giving mutual recognition can become effortless. Teams are often positively surprised by the impact created by giving recognition.

“There is more empathy and closer relations in the team, it was a safe place to share doubts and fears.” Miriam G., Designer

4) CreatesGrowth Opportunities

Coaching gives team members an opportunity to offer feedback on personal growth potential, i.e. qualities that are visible and shall be further expanded.

Rather than discussing weaknesses and problems, a growth potential perspective creates a positive view – and allows growth individually and as a team.

“The team coaching is like a point of departure. We start working closer together. I feel enforced to represent the interests of our team and stand for our high-quality work.” Abigail N., Designer/Team Lead

5) Develops Leadership

Leaders benefit from working with coaches to develop self-confidence in the professional and personal environment, time and priority management, as well as awareness-building around profession, vocation, mission and passion.

Transformative growth involves taking action beyond the comfort zone as well as mental stretches. As a result, team leaders are naturally triggered to take their team to the next level.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”American Futurist and Author Joel A. Barker

Lessons Learned

The starting points for ambitious teamwork are creating accountability and responsibility. As a business and career coach, I enjoy working with creatives who have an entrepreneurial mindset.

Working with these four designers was a privilege and pleasure which confirmed my commitment to continue guiding many more ambitious creative professionals/entrepreneurs and ambitious teams around the world.

In Action: The team creating a mind-map with their team values.

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Claudia Mayer

Claudia Mayer (*1982) grew up in Innsbruck/Austria, studied a year in Sevilla/Spain and lived and worked in India, UAE, China and Singapore. After graduating with a degree in Business Administration, Claudia worked for Zumtobel Group, primarily in Marketing and Business Development with a focus on branding and relationship building. After six years in the professional lighting industry, Claudia joined international architectural firm UNStudio in the head office in Amsterdam. She pro-actively expanded the business relations and discovered several new project opportunitie around the world.

In 2015, she decided to steer her career in a new direction and is pursuing her passion in professional coaching, an interest that took root about 10 years ago when Claudia read 'Coach yourself to success' by renown author Talane Miedaner. She was immediately drawn to the idea of empowering clients through change, by creating tailormade and action-focused coaching alliances. She is curious to learn about the impact of tranformative growth of being and doing, and is excited to share her knowledge and intuitive skills in the field when she established her specialized coaching firm for those who seek to lead instead of follow life.

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