5 Ways To Stay Sane In The Age Of Information Overload

With the emergence of the new technology, nothing can stop the information overflow. Every second, an idea is born, posted, shared, and tweeted. When you do a Google search, results can reach thousands! Do you really have the time go over everything?

Absorbing all the information can lead to overload, which can hamper our productivity and may affect our living a balanced life. So how do you stay sane in this age? These 5 tips will help you focus, keep your priorities in check, and help you deal with all the information out there that demand your attention.

  1. Keep a clean environment. A clutter-free environment enables your productivity. Many researches have revealed a link between a clean working environment and productivity. Having a clean and well-organized working place enhances creativity, and encourages you to finish your tasks early. Also, keeping your virtual spaces clean helps you systematize your work as well as your thoughts. Cleaning your desktop or arranging your computer files in an orderly manner actually sets you up to handle overflow of computer activities!
  2. Know your priorities. Focusing on a clearer goal makes things much easier. When you know what to do, where you are going, and how to make things work, you have a sense of control. Your goals serve as your solid structure or foundation on how your life should function. One effective technique is to write down all your goals and achieve them using the SMART method. Make sure it’s Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. This will help you avoid chaos, confusion and frustration; instead, it will boost your energy and improve your productivity!
  3. Manage your time. One best way to achieve our goals after establishing them is time management. When we allot a specific time in accomplishing our tasks, we train our own sense of focus. Scheduling our time in checking emails helps. Don’t check them upon waking up or this may affect your motivation for the whole day. Also, dedicate a specific time in browsing your social networking sites. Limit your time in reading and scanning information in social media. When some activities consume most your time, learn the art of simplifying things- delegate the task if needed, or eliminate them and skip. Handling your time properly will not only help us get things done on the right time and the right way but will also give us a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.
  4. Don’t absorb everything. According to the book Find Your Focus Zone: An Effective New Plan to Defeat Distraction and Overload , authored by psychologist Lucy Jo Palladino, Ph.D, “Information overload occurs when a person is exposed to more information than the brain can process at one time.” Contrary to what others are saying, absorbing all information will not make us intelligent. In fact, studies showed that ‘cognitive overload’ can lead to stress and indecisiveness. Bad decisions will most likely to occur when we are excessively overwhelmed by too many information and choices. Scanning and reading only what is important will reduce this burden. Following your intuition could also help. Listen to that innate voice that tells you if absorbing things and giving so much of your time will benefit you.
  5. Have a break. Other people take time to travel and spend a short vacation; some just prefer to be at home sleeping; others just leave their desks for a while. Whatever your methods are, breaks are necessary. Scheduling breaks will give your brain a breather and will refresh your ideas. Researches show that a brief diversion or downtime from a certain task can dramatically improve our ability to focus on these tasks for a long period of time. So turn off your cellular phone, close your browser, put down your pen and spend your break time with colleagues, family and friends. Idleness from social media, emails, paperwork or any task will also help your regain perspective and improve your decision-making ability.

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Zsa Zsa Bacaling

Zsa Zsa is a communications professor and a social media manager based in the Philippines. Passionate about writing, teaching and social media, Zsa Zsa has had extensive experience as a social media specialist, copywriter and blogger, and has worked with companies based in the US, UK, Australia and Singapore. A firm believer in the importance of work/life balance, Zsa Zsa finds calm amidst the chaos of work life through yoga, books, coffee, travel and her dog Chooey.

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