5 Instant Happiness Tips – Apply And Feel Better In Minutes!

The main focus of my work is to help as many people as possible to reach their full potential. Happiness is one of the keys to your personal power. It is free, easy to have, and comes with an unlimited supply. Once you master it, you get one step closer to your best self!

I focus on helping you grow in personal happiness – and really quickly, too! Happiness is a state of mind. An attitude that you can cultivate to enable you feel whole and enthusiastic about life. When you are truly happy, you start attracting the right people and right opportunities … and effortless success.

Below are five steps you can take to enjoy more happiness in your life:

1. Find Out What Makes You Happy And Do More Of It

Some people find happiness in the morning nature walk, others in dancing, and others in meditating. Each is unique. Identify what makes you happy and commit to doing it as often as you possibly can. It matters that you enjoy life in as many moments as possible.

2. Hang Around Happy People

People you hang out with significantly affect your perspective about life. It is time for you to take account of the people in your life. Take stock of your friends, relatives, colleagues, and social media friends. Identify those that support your happiness and hang around them more often. On the other hand, identify the negative people and minimize contact and, if it comes to it, cut them out.

3. Try New Things

Creativity and newness have a way of sparking joy into your life. This is why you should try new things. Furthermore, doing the same old thing each day can be monotonous, boring and tiresome. Amid work routines and the daily pressures of life, life can gradually become dull. Adding a single new activity or practice to your life could reform it remarkably.

4. Celebrate All Achievements

Achievements can be a major source of joy. Consider setting small and large goals, short-term and long-term goals. Set milestones and celebrate each milestone you achieve, whether small or large ones. Furthermore, celebrating milestones not only gives you joy but also motivates to achieve more.

5. Recall Happy Moments

At times, all you need to feel happier is to recall happy memories in your life. Call to mind such moments and relieve them mentally in the present. This is a classic way to bring joy to your life at the moment, regardless of time, your location or schedule. You need not plan for this step. Just do it.

Happiness begets happiness. Use the tips above to introduce more joy and happiness in your life each day. The more happiness you can consciously create in your life, the more will come your way.

Love this? Send me a story of your happiness transformation – I’d love to hear from you!

To a more conscious you,


P.S. Do check out my “People Power” website as I share 8 tips you can use to network and connect with high-power people.


This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: Cute puppies playing outdoors from Shutterstock

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Yana Fry

Yana Fry is a transformational executive coach, group facilitator and thought leader who has taken her message of soulful business and empowerment to students and clients worldwide.

Yana's area of expertise is helping people and organisations pinpoint their hidden, unexplored areas of talent and potential and turning these into increased results. She also helps leaders find their bigger why so they lead with passion and authenticity.

In addition, Yana operates an active blog, a thriving web TV channel where she interviews leading titans of industries and get them to share their words of wisdom.

Yana's goal is to positively impact the lives of people worldwide, and show them how to lead a life of passion and purpose.

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