4 Simple Steps To Change Your Life From Ordinary To Extraordinary!


I was invited to be a part of Singapore Council of Women’s Organisation’s “Meet-the-Mentor” session. I joined other successful women, such as entrepreneur Elim Chew, author Loretta Chen, and Gina Romero to share how ordinary women can build an extraordinary life for themselves.

I have made it a personal mission to debunk the notion that you need to be superhuman to build an amazing life. That’s not true at all. Years ago, I was broke, depressed and sitting on the edge of my bed, crying because my life was in a mess. Fast-forward to today, and I have an amazing family, a loving husband and a life with purpose.

You can do it, too!

During the break-out group discussions, I had a chance to share my top four tips women can use right now to improve their lives.

1. Believe That You Can Create Your Dream Life

Without this step, nothing else works. Our social conditioning teaches us to be obedient, accept our fate and know our place in life. These poisonous thoughts are the chief reason why most people never take a step out of their comfort zone to create their dream life.

Yet, having experienced both the ups and downs that life has to offer, I know that anyone – I repeat, anyone- can change their life in a short time. It is possible, my friends! I did it and I know it’s not because I am any different from you. If you do the right things, commit to improving yourself and change your thoughts, your amazing life is only a few steps away.

2. Find Something You Would Do Right Now – Even If You Didn’t Get Paid For It

The next tip is to locate your true passion. Keyword: TRUE. Most people are so busy making a living that they never get a chance to make a LIFE. When you ask yourself what you would still do even if you didn’t get paid for it, you start tapping into the power of your core passions.

Your core passions have infinite power. They have the ability to add meaning to your life, unlock boundless energy and give you ideas and answers you never imagined you had. Yet, you need to locate it within yourself first. You need to see beyond making enough money to pay the monthly bills and buying the new pair of shoes.

When you ask yourself questions like these, you begin the search inside for the true thing that lights you aflame.

3. Integrate Your Core Passions Into Your Life

After completing step 2, it’s time to infuse this core passion into your life. You don’t have to do something earth-shaking at the start. If you love teaching, start by volunteering two hours a week.

Just do something!

It’s important to add fuel to and fan the fire of your core passions. The more you feed it, the more it will pay you back in energy, ideas and opportunities. After all, this is what sets your spirit ablaze, right? After you have a bit of steam going, it’s time to find out how to monetize your core passions.

Why not start a class and start charging participants a small sum? Why not share your ideas online via your own blog or YouTube channel? The neighborhood library offers a ton of books you can borrow that teach you how to turn your passions into cash.

4. Begin Now With A Leap Of Faith 

Nothing moves till you take action. And what holds most people back from taking action is fear. I find that there are two ways to combat fear – the long, slow way where you chip away at fear gradually (this can take months, years or forever) … or the quick-fire, brave act where you overcome the fear in one breath.

I recommend the second way. I call it taking a leap of faith … and all the successes, joys and breakthroughs I have achieved in my life have largely been down to taking MASSIVE leaps of faith. I find that the universe makes it a point to reward massive, bold action.

Do … and you will be rewarded. But first, you need to stand at the edge of your comfort zone, find the strength within you, commit to your goals and dreams … and JUMP! Remember, nothing moves till you do this first!

But once you jump, you open the door for amazing things to enter your life. I loved watching how open and receptive the women were to these four tips that I shared. They could pick up the fact that I wasn’t sharing tips I had read from a “self-help” book. Instead, these were actual tips I used to change my own life … and tips I use till today.

And I ended my session with a time-tested phrase: “If I can do it, so can you!” I believe this is true, dear reader. If you commit to your better life and practice the four steps here, you will succeed.


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Yana Fry

Yana Fry is a transformational executive coach, group facilitator and thought leader who has taken her message of soulful business and empowerment to students and clients worldwide.

Yana's area of expertise is helping people and organisations pinpoint their hidden, unexplored areas of talent and potential and turning these into increased results. She also helps leaders find their bigger why so they lead with passion and authenticity.

In addition, Yana operates an active blog, a thriving web TV channel where she interviews leading titans of industries and get them to share their words of wisdom.

Yana's goal is to positively impact the lives of people worldwide, and show them how to lead a life of passion and purpose.

Images from Yana Fry
Edited by Nedda Chaplin

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