4 Productive Things To Do For Your Business During Haze Season

Here are four productive things to do for your business while you are stuck indoors due to the haze.

Declutter – Both Your Office Space And Your Computer

This is at the top of my list when I have time to spare in the office. Decluttering will help you get organised. Start by gathering all the loose papers and sorting them. I bet you’ll be surprised with what you find. You’ll probably find that more than 50% of the papers lying around are of no use so it is time to bring out and use the good old shredder. Next, figure out what else is lying around on your table and in the office that can be moved or put away.

Once you are done decluttering your office, organizing everything and putting stuff in their proper places, it is time to go on your computer and start checking for files and folders. If you are one of those people with a cluttered virtual desktop, it’s time to either start filing things away or moving them to trash.

Quick Tip:  Move relevant files into folders and make sub-folders. Use dates for projects so you can easily archive them when the project is over.

Strategic Planning – Content Marketing Or Social Media Timeline

Have you always wanted to publish articles but don’t know where to start? Or do you have a blog but it is only updated once every six months? Take this time to come up with a plan. Get a piece of paper and draw a circle in the center. In that circle, write down your specialty. This should be an area where you are an expert in. Next, come up with 10 key points surrounding this topic. For each of the topics, come up with five titles that can be written into blog articles. You now have a plan for 1 article a week for the next year.

Now that you have a blog publishing schedule, next is to move on to social media. Look for some other blogs or websites that consistently publish good content. Executive Lifestyle is a good example if your target market is executives. Add their RSS feed to your Buffer account and simply start scheduling the content you want to share. You can schedule articles across a variety of platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, so make sure that you are making full use of the social networks.

Quick Tip: You can crowd source the relevant blog titles by asking your current clients what they would like to know.

Recording Project – Podcast or Video

The number one reason why people do not embark on a recording project is because they are afraid of putting themselves out there. If you want to do something out of your comfort zone and really make use of the time you have staying indoors, this is a great project to start.

Begin by thinking of the topic you would like to tackle on your podcast or video tutorial. Again, this should be something relevant to your business. When thinking of the topic, consider the interest of your target market that is profitable for your business. If your business is about HR solutions, you may want to discuss something about the “Top 5 Problems Of Hiring Millennials.” This is something that business owners would love to find out more about, given this group of people are currently entering the job market. It can also be a source of sales leads if you show that you have a solution to the problems.

You may even consider putting together an online course for your business. Every business has clients who ask the same questions over and over. Pick one of these commonly asked questions and answer them in a quick 3 to 5-minute video. Your clients will appreciate the new and fresh format to Q&A.

Quick Tip: If you don’t think you are ready to do your own podcast, consider writing to other people who are hosting podcasts and see if you can be on their show instead.

Connect with Your Clients – Pick Up The Phone And Call Them

When was the last time that you picked up the phone and called your clients? Given that most people are staying indoors, this is the right time to pick up the phone, call your clients and ask how they are doing. Check in on them and ask if you can help them with anything new.

“Out of sight, out of mind.” Taking this chance to keep in contact will ensure that they remember you the next time they have a new project. This will not only add a personal touch to your service but may also generate some new leads for you.

Quick Tip: If you made a call and there was no answer, don’t forget to send an SMS to let them know who you are and why you called. Most clients will appreciate this gesture and call you back after.

So those are my 4 tips for staying productive while being stuck indoors. Try doing these things now rather than sitting around surfing Facebook while you are waiting for the air to clear outside. Let me know if you feel more productive or if you have any productivity tips to add!

Visit UnBusy Entrepreneur to find out more about Olivia's work.


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Olivia Chiong

Olivia uses her personal entrepreneurial experience from over 10 years in the events industry and being part of multiple start ups, to help small business owners implement operational and productivity hacks. Her specialty is dissecting busy entrepreneurs and their businesses to show them how to eradicate their pain points, plan and execute an operations strategy, implement productivity tools and free up their time for high value activities. She has written a book titled "The Unbusy Entrepreneur"

This post was first published on UnBusy Entrepreneur blog.and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Image: Flickr

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