25 Types Of Content To Attract, Inspire And Engage Your Audience Part 2

In the second part of Swati Joshi’s article, find out the other 12 types of content that will attract, inspire, and engage your audience! Read the first part here.

14. Live-Streaming Videos

Live streaming is the new kid on the block, and it’s slowly but surely generating buzz and content that’s hard to miss. Periscope and Meerkat have proven that live streaming can be done for events other than sports, and are now finding their way into business and professional settings. Facebook has also launched live streaming, but it’s limited to celebrities at this moment.

15. Wisdom Quotes

Quotes from the wise and the famous makes interesting content, provided it’s entertaining, educating or inspiring.

16. Whitepapers

Whitepapers are the pinnacle of a site’s research and expertise. They are usually longer than an ebook and are an authoritative report on a specific issue or topic. This type of content is usually gated, i.e. it requires an email ID to download. Whitepapers are used by websites and blogs to capture leads and grow their subscribers.

17. Case Studies

This is a great piece of content for consumers further down in the buying funnel – for those who are aware of the brand, but need more nurturing and handholding. They are conducting more research into success and failure cases in their industry and how to learn from their mistakes.

18. Thought-Leadership Articles

These are exactly what they sound like: articles that position you as a thought leader. These articles can be about the state or future of the industry, innovation ideas, products, services or about the company. The idea is to establish yourself as the originator of high-quality, thought-provoking content.

19. Podcast

A podcast is like a radio show on the internet, except that it’s not limited to the professionals, and users can listen to it anytime they want. It’s a new media content distribution technology that has taken the world by storm. Anybody can host a podcast, although it needs some preparation and infrastructure setup to get started. You will need a good quality microphone, recording software, editing software, hosting and storing platform.

20. Slideshare Presentations

Another medium and another platform to showcase your expertise,slideshare is becoming increasingly popular among content marketers. They add variety to your content, can be easily created with minimal cost, can be embedded into your website and can handle different file sizes, such as audios, videos and infographics.

21. Checklists

Who wouldn’t love to have handy little lists that make life easy? Checklists make for good lead capturing content. Find a process that has many moving parts and make a thoughtful checklist that could help save some time.

22. Templates

Templates take the process of simplifying tasks a step further by providing templates in a Word document or spreadsheets that you can plug and play into your business process with little to no tweaking.

23. Webinars

There is an increasing trend of conducting webinars to educate people about a hot topic or discussing solutions to a problem. Once you have identified an issue or a problem that people would be interested to learn how to solve, think about how you can model your webinar to provide maximum value to your audience. Webinars can be done solo by an expert, or you can invite an expert or a team of experts to interview. A lot of preparation goes intoconducting your first webinar, but the results are always fantastic.

24. Courses And Tutorials

Plenty of people have successfully adopted the strategy of creating a course or tutorials with the intention of educating their audience about a topic. You can run your course as a series of emails, create it on YouTube, or use an online platform such as Udemy to create a course. Some courses run for free, especially if the ultimate goal is to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

25. Demos

Demos are often used as the killer, last strike that close the deal on sales. It requires plenty of rehearsal to make sure you leave a good impression on your potential client. Be clear on what message you want to deliver, and do it clearly without wasting your viewer’s time too much. Some demos are given in person, but some demos are also recorded in the form of videos. Make sure your demo answers all the final hurdles that may have been lingering in your viewer’s mind.

Visit Influenshine page to find out more about Swati’s work.

This post was first published on Influenshine blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin

Image credit:Couple of young designers working at modern office from Shutterstock

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Swati Joshi

Swati is the founder and CEO of Influenshine, a digital marketing company which helps businesses survive and thrive in a digital world. She has complemented her technical and business background with digital marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship skills from Stanford University, IDEO and General Assembly.
Swati blogs regularly and also contributes to The HuffingtonPost. As a technology and business enthusiast, she is associated with many startups in the thriving entrepreneurial scene of Singapore, and she provides guidance, especially on digital marketing, to several ventures.

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