Your Wellbeing Is Your Responsibility

Your wellbeing is your responsibility. Not your partner’s, not your parents’ (if you’re an adult), not your employer’s, not your friends. Business and social media coach Linda Pollock shares why your sense of wellbeing and happiness is your responsibility.


Making self-care a priority in your life is vital to you experiencing joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Being responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions to situations, is the best way to empower yourself in the present moment. It can help you feel energized and confident enough to make choices that will best support you in creating the life you desire.

Here are some ideas for self-care that go over and above simply taking a little “me time” for pampering. This is about creating daily rituals that will support and nourish your whole being—mind, body, and spirit.

Spend Time In Nature
The healing and restorative powers of being in nature are enormous, yet for many of us, we get less time outdoors. Not only do we get a much-needed boost of fresh air but the change of scenery also lets us get out of our own heads, reminds us we are connected to all living things and are part of something much greater than ourselves. It can dissolve tension, reduce stress, and provide us with a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Create A Daily Ritual
A ritual is simply something you do at a particular time of day and in the same way every single time. It helps to ground you in the present moment and allow you time to pause. Taking time for ourselves on a daily basis to really connect with our soul and deepen our connection with our self, is essential to our wellbeing—one that is greatly overlooked in today’s technology-led society. Creating a daily ritual that allows us to do that and can help build strong foundations from which we can build a life full of joy, peace, and fulfillment.

You can make this as simple as lighting a candle and spending a few minutes in silent contemplation, meditation or prayer before starting your day. Perhaps taking time out of your busy day to pause by drinking your favorite herbal tea from a designated cup as you simply watch the world go by. Using the same cup helps reinforce the intention that this time is for you to switch off and just be.

Participate In A Regular Exercise
Maintaining your physical health has an impact on your whole wellbeing. A tired and stiff body stores stagnant energy. Keep it moving, keep it flexible, and keep it active. With the growing number of activities we are now able to do online, it’s good to remind yourself to keep your body moving throughout the day.

Moreover, ensure you are also feeding your body with food that is going to give you the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to fuel it. Ensuring you drink plenty of water to maintain a healthy body is something we also need reminding of.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep
We all thrive on different amounts of sleep, but there are things all of us can do to ensure the quality of sleep we are getting is allowing us adequate rest. Create a simple, clutter-free atmosphere in your bedroom. Tidying up before you go to bed and making sure your bed linen is fresh, clean, and comfortable helps you get the rest you need. Banish technology from the bedroom and, instead, opt for a calming bedside lamp and a good book if you wish to participate in a relaxing activity before you nod off.

Take Regular Technology Breaks
We were not designed to experience life through a smart screen. Nor were we designed to absorb and process information at the rate at which it is now available to us via technology. Ensuring you take regular tech-free breaks throughout the day and limit the time you spend online will free up both time and energy to help you participate in other activities that your mind, body, and spirit may be craving.

Take Responsibility
The possibilities for self-care routines and rituals are endless and experimenting with things is the only way to really find what works for you.


The original version of this article was published on the Mindful Wishes blog.


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Linda Pollock

Linda Pollock is a business and social media coach for the mind, body, and spirit. Based in Scotland, she helps women from all around the world unlock their passion, live their purpose, reach their full potential, and successfully market their services on social media to grow their business and income.

Edits: Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla | Image Credit: Linda Pollock

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