Most small business owners understand the importance of content marketing, but few are doing enough. Some of the common excuses I have heard are – I’m too busy to blog. I don’t know what to write about. No one wants to read what I write.

If you're like me, you can easily drag your heels on projects that just don't grab your attention. But remember, ignoring the task won't make it go away. Procrastination is one of the worst habits we can get into, and it's one that limits our personal effectiveness.

Most people know that the human body is made up of about 60% water and that drinking water is important. However, many are not aware of some of the concrete effects that water – or the lack of water – has on the body. These effects make a strong case for anyone to make changes in their water drinking habits and make the effort to drink enough water. 

The time has come to bid singlehood goodbye and welcome married life with open arms. With regards to this, lesser people also feel the need to mourn the end of their singledom with drunken debauchery that mirrors their single days. Sound good so far?