Think about the most successful business person you know. Place an image of them in your mind; speaking with a potential client, delegating a task to an employee, speaking to a partner in a board meeting. One thing should be clear about their demeanor; they treat those around them in a way that establishes and maintains positive business relationships.

Losing weight and maintaining weight-loss when you have a to-do list a mile long, follow-up phone calls to make, deadlines to meet, and countless work conferences and client dinners to attend, is almost impossible! I say almost, because there are actually some small, yet very powerful ways you can meet your health goals with little effort. Here are some of the best weight loss tips that actually work.

Women entrepreneurs can break the glass ceiling. Gone are the days wherein women must just wait for prince-charming. For years now, they have been active movers and shakers of the world. And now, they can just as easily run a successful business!

Partnerships are my 'go to' resource to accomplish anything. Want exposure for one of your clients? Media partnerships. Want to get more leads to an event? Affiliate partnerships. Overseas expansion?  International partnerships. Let's look at the factors that build partnership success in business.