With business prospects across different continents, frequent business travel has become an integral part of a professional’s working life. Along with work travel comes back-to-back business meetings, hectic work schedules, and late-night client entertainment – all of which typically affects our meal timings and patterns.

How can we have great sex? is both an important and difficult question; it is also one I am asked frequently. Over the last few months, I have given several talks and I have often been approached at the end of the session and asked this question.

We live in a world of information overload. But wisdom is a different matter. Wisdom often seems to be in short supply, because wisdom takes more effort. It takes time to learn from and process our mistakes. It takes willpower and courage to examine the reasons why issues happen, and to build frameworks to help others navigate those same issues in a more effective way.

Sadly, far too many people live for too long with unresolved pain issues. They have, perhaps, sought the help of health practitioners to no avail and take strong medication daily. Nothing seems to work for them. It’s as if their ‘best’ has gone forever and they can no longer enjoy family or social life.

World-renowned columnist and fashion editor, Diana Vreeland, once said: “The first rule that a geisha is taught, at the age of nine, is to be charming to other women…Every girl in the world should have geisha training.”