Top 10 Tips For Buying Business Insurance

Buying business insurance can be quite the task. There’s a lot to take into consideration that goes into deciding to acquire business insurance.  

Business insurance is an investment, a big decision. As you ponder, heed Justine Loke, Commercial Insurance Advisor at Expat Insurance, as she offers 10  tips to better understand why you should consider business insurance in Singapore.

Do Your Homework

Research the insurance packages commonly purchased by professionals in your industry, and know which policies you want to buy.

Consider All Possibilities For Your Business’s Future

Although an accident, illness, or disaster seems unlikely to happen, it’s important to take into account all the things that can go wrong. We don’t expect to get into a car accident when we go driving but we wear our seatbelts for protection and peace of mind; the same goes for business insurance.

Cheaper Isn’t Always Better

For certain expenses, it’s smart to go with the least-expensive option. This may not always be the case with business insurance. Some policies may contain more limitations and higher out-of-pocket deductibles.

Shop Around

Trade organizations and professional organizations in your area may provide discounted coverage to members. Do check with your industry-related associations. Carriers often offer premium savings in return for a larger risk pool.

Find An Agent Or Broker You Can Trust

Commercial insurance brokers can help you find a policy that fits the overall needs of your business. Brokers offer policies from a variety of insurers, not just one. They provide the value added service of ensuring you have the right cover and assistance needed in claims.

Get Your Information Ready

When you’re finally ready to apply for insurance, get all of your business information ready if you want the process to be fast and efficient. General information required includes: business nature, company revenue, number of employees, insurance history.

When In Doubt, Ask Questions

Insurance brokers are here for a reason – to help you get approved cover. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! You can learn a lot about the terms and conditions of your policy just by talking to your broker.

Cover Your Products

You can also purchase product liability coverage for tangible products which you have designed and manufactured for sale. This covers you in case one of your products causes illness or injury to others.

Cover Your Employees
As your business grows and the company workforce grows, you can manage your liability as an employer by ensuring you have worker’s compensation in place early.

Evaluate Your Needs Regularly

Once you are satisfied with your insurance coverage, the process isn’t over. You should regularly evaluate your policy with your broker as your business grows.

Visit  Expat Insurance Pte Ltd to Get a Business Insurance Quote today!

This post was originally published on Expat Insurance News and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Michelle Sarthou
Image by: Shutterstock

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Danielle Warner

Danielle Warner Founder & CEO at Expat Insurance Pte Ltd

Having worked in the insurance industry for more than 15 years, six of which were spent in New York with AIG, Danielle founded Expat Insurance in Singapore in 2009 with an aim to educate and assist both corporate and private clients with their unique needs accompanied by superior customer service.

Named Young Professional of the Year 2012 at the Annual Business Awards hosted by the British Chamber of Commerce and nominated for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2013, Danielle is an active member of the business community in Singapore through the British Chamber of Commerce, PrimeTime Business and Professional Women's Association, American Chamber of Commerce, American Association and the Financial Women’s Association and is a contributor to Straits Times, Maple Leaf Times, Expat Living and the Singapore American Newsletter.

A finalist in the Best Small Business Rising Star category at the Annual Business Awards in both 2011 and 2012, and having garnered a 2012 US Embassy Corporate Citizenship Award, Danielle has recently expanded services from Singapore to Hong Kong with an international team of adviser’s whose primary focus is to strategize, design, place and administer tailor-made Employee Benefit Programs for multinational corporations in the region.

Danielle’s recent publication BULLETPROOF: Building Better Employee Benefits is available on Amazon here.

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