Lise Chew

Lise is a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur and speaker. She is a brand strategist at her company, The Brand AdvantEdge. She super powers businesses with kickass brands, creates solutions and develops processes to help them stand out and vanquish their foes. Besides branding, Lise also develops business concepts and brokers business deals.

Lise’s other great loves are her family, creating delicious food and sharing it with friends and family amidst great conversation, and travelling.

#ConnectedWomen Singapore member Lise Chew is a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur and speaker. She is the founder and brand strategist of The Brand AdvantEdge, a brand consultancy company in Singapore. Read on as Lise reports her experience at #SFFxSWITCH 2019. The inaugural Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) and the Singapore...

Y’know how it is. You’re minding your own business, just going about your day, and then somehow, suddenly, someone decides to heap a pile of negativity on you!