Cindi Su Yin Leong

Cindi has completed 200 hours (Hatha) YA Teacher Training with Dr Elena Voyce (London) and 500 hours (Ashtanga Vinyasa) YA Teacher Training with Michel Besnard. In 2013 she completed the Harrison AntiGravity (Aerial Yoga) Certification as is also certified to teach Mat Pilates Certification by Studio Pilates (ACE registered).

She brings a safe, accessible and fun approach to her teaching, grounded in a spiritual, ethical practice, infused with flavors of Jivamukti, Anusara, Yin in asana styles.

In addition, Cindi has a background in complementary or holistic medicine in 2000 after completing her MBA, having practiced and taught Yoga professionally since 2007. Her voracious appetite for anatomy, physiology, clinical aromatherapy and various massage therapy modalities give her the basis to guide students and clients who have individual physical conditions, bringing their practice and healing safely to the next level.

A global nomad, free spirit and foodie at heart, Cindi’s first yoga class began as a natural extension of her active and sporty lifestyle representing college in tennis and a dance enthusiast; almost 25 years ago.

Now back in Singapore after over a decade in Europe and London, she continues to teach both small groups and individuals; in large studios as well as workplace and leads events and retreats and is actively involved in not-for-profit projects on an ad-hoc basis hence indulging her other passions in the Design, Hospitality and Retail space.

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