8 Hacks To Become An Effective Networker Part 3

Now that you’ve read – and hopefully practiced! – the first six networking hacks in ​Part 1​ and ​Part 2​, here are the last two that’ll make sure networking doesn’t end up a waste of your time.

Networking Hack #7: Never Leave An Event Without A Second Date

Sharing your point of view about your industry at an event could get you new clients or partnerships. But the effectiveness of offline networking is hard to measure. How do you really know when you’ve succeeded? When you leave the event with a second date – that’s how. [tweet this hack].

When going to an event, it can be intimidating to enter a room full of professionals you don’t know. The most effective ways to get a second date are to:

  1. Review Networking Hack #1: Seek only connections you need. The reason this is the first hack is because it immediately filters those you might want to meet for a second date and those you never want to meet again.
  1. Review Networking Hack #6: Have an exit strategy. One of the exit scripts we mentioned that will guarantee a second date is: “I’d like to chat with you more about this. Why don’t we grab a coffee some time outside this busy event?”
  1. Ask simple ice breakers, such as asking someone why they chose to come to the event or what they hope to get out of it. If the person isn’t a fit, you can proceed to move on politely and repeat until you find someone you’re interested in.

Networking Hack #8: Follow-Up

Last but definitely not the least, follow up and follow through with your new connections [tweet this hack].

Here are three reasons why you should follow up after an event:

“Networking doesn’t end at the event,” says Executive Lifestyle Expert Yana Fry. “After the event, maintain contact with your network. Every once in a while do something for your network to make sure you aren’t forgotten. Most importantly, get a second date, this time with less of a crowd and much more detail oriented.”

“Always email or call your new connections soon after the event, as this will make it much more likely that they remember you,” says Shirley Taylor. “Great relationships are not built in five minutes. They can take months. The value of your networking will only be seen in the success of the followup.”

Pamela Kirpilani adds, “The easiest and most efficient way is to connect through social media, whether it be email, LinkedIn, Facebook, or the like. Refrain from hounding them straight away; in fact, leave a one-day gap between meeting and contacting. Mention something unique in your follow up, such as something you remembered from your interactions with them, so they know it’s not a mass follow-up email. Twitter is also a great way to connect with other people prior to an event. Follow the hashtag for the event to listen to what other people are saying. It’s a quick and friendly way to connect beforehand.”

If you’re attending one of our Athena Network Singapore, make sure to follow up with the new people you meet and remember to give two favours first before asking for one!


Set yourself up for success. Join The Athena Network today!

Written by Joyce Villarisco

Edited by Nedda Chaplin

Image credit: Corporate People from Shutterstock

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Gina Romero

ABOUT ME: Tech-smart, business-savvy, down-to-earth. Connector of people & ideas.

I often introduce myself as someone who has failed in business several times since the age of 16, not because I am proud of my mistakes but because I value failure as a catalyst for success. I have since dedicated my life to helping others succeed.

Community, entrepreneurship and technology are at the heart of everything I do. I run a number of businesses and initiatives with a focus on providing a platform for women to harness technology for success.

I was invited by LinkedIn to be part of their LinkedIn Speaker Series and be among the 106 inspiring and innovative thinkers from around the globe. Read about it here.

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